Service Letters
This is a collection of service letters published by MAN Energy Solutions, Copenhagen/Holeby, Denmark, covering both MAN B&W two-stroke and MAN four-stroke combustion engines.
Our service letters provide information on new engine developments and trends, service experience, important aspects of engine management and maintenance, and emissions requirements compliance and development, etc.
Note that some service letters have documents attached (e.g. work cards, instructions, guidelines, specifications, etc.) that may subsequently have been updated after the release of the service letter. It is therefore recommended to check for the latest edition of such attachments.
Table of content
sl2016-636pdf, 246 KBSplash Guarding (Connections in the fuel oil and lubricating oil system)
sl2016-635pdf, 599 KBFretting Marks on Connecting Rod Contact Surfaces
sl2016-633pdf, 1528 KBHard-Coated Piston Rings for Operation on Ultra-Low Sulphur Fuel Including gas and liquefied gas
sl2016-632pdf, 1951 KBAlpha Lubricator - Service Experience
sl2016-631pdf, 1211 KBPerformance Test of the Pilot Operated Check Valves (POCVs) Updating of SL13-575/BTT
sl2016-630pdf, 185 KBChange-over to EAL in Propeller Servo Systems (Replacement of SL13-580/BTT)
sl2016-629pdf, 254 KBTemperature Range for Propeller
sl2016-628pdf, 1261 KBFuel Injection Valve Condition
sl2016-627pdf, 1545 KBTightening of Roller Guide Housing - GenSet
sl2016-626pdf, 892 KBPotential Crack in Piston Crown - in inner circular contact flange
sl2016-625pdf, 588 KBGas-tight Lock - Top Piston Ring
sl2016-624pdf, 568 KBPiston Rod Stuffing Box - Top scraper ring improvement
sl2016-623pdf, 1688 KBCooling Water Treatment and Periodical Test of the Cooling Water
sl2016-621pdf, 1763 KBLifetime of Fixed Cylinder Pressure Sensors
sl2016-620pdf, 1107 KBInstallation of Piston Cleaning Rings
sl2016-619pdf, 2908 KBTightening of Roller Guide Housing - Propulsion
sl2016-617pdf, 548 KBME-B Hydraulic Power Supply
sl2016-616pdf, 2524 KBProduct Safety Warning - Updated Information Total Solutions & Power (TSP) accumulators
sl2016-615pdf, 319 KBFuel Oil Backflushing Filter - GenSet
sl2016-614pdf, 1008 KBProduct Safety Warning Letter - Total Solutions & Power (TSP) accumulators
sl2016-613pdf, 1257 KBUpdated Crosshead Bearing Design
sl2016-612pdf, 1747 KBFees for Technical Assistance and Advisory Work - MAN PrimeServ, Copenhagen
sl2016-611pdf, 638 KBCPR Ring Pack Configuration - New piston ring standard for large bore engines
sl2015-610pdf, 3817 KBIMO Tier II L23/30H
sl2015-609pdf, 624 KBHydraulic Service Solutions - HPS Pump Overhaul Programme
sl2015-608pdf, 1536 KBValve Bridge Guide for L27/38
sl2015-607pdf, 387 KBGeneral Information - Safety standard
sl2015-606pdf, 21786 KBCheck of Tightening of Connecting Rod
sl2015-604pdf, 507 KBLubricating Oils for MAN B&W Low Speed Two-Stroke Engines
sl2015-603pdf, 619 KBPublishing of Service Letters on the MAN Diesel & Turbo Website
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Requests of the S.E.M.T. Pielstick Service Bulletin should be addressed to:
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Attention: Technical Assistance MAN PrimeServ
Avenue de Chatonay , Porte 7
BP 427
44615 Saint-Nazaire Cedex
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Prevent Pielstick Obsolescence
Pielstick Retrofit Solutions
Multibrand Lube Oil Condition Monitoring