Service Letters
This is a collection of service letters published by MAN Energy Solutions, Copenhagen/Holeby, Denmark, covering both MAN B&W two-stroke and MAN four-stroke combustion engines.
Our service letters provide information on new engine developments and trends, service experience, important aspects of engine management and maintenance, and emissions requirements compliance and development, etc.
Note that some service letters have documents attached (e.g. work cards, instructions, guidelines, specifications, etc.) that may subsequently have been updated after the release of the service letter. It is therefore recommended to check for the latest edition of such attachments.
Table of content
SL2023-733pdf, 578 KBStarting air valve - Failure to close
SL2023-732pdf, 1195 KBFees for technical assistance and advisory work.
SL2022-731pdf, 884 KBCorrect installation of lubricating oil supply valve for the Alpha Lubricator. Non-flow cylinder oil alarm
SL2022-730pdf, 2614 KBPrevention of crankcase explosions. The latest safety components standard
SL2022-729pdf, 847 KBPreventive grinding of exhaust valve seats
SL2022-728pdf, 508 KBCylinder and system oils MAN B&W low-speed two-stroke engines
SL2022-727pdf, 772 KBRegular dp-RTV and RTV position check of SCR installations
SL2022-726pdf, 3213 KBService experience with 2020-compliant fuels
SL2022-725pdf, 681 KBUpdated evaluation guidelines - piston ring coating and deposit build-up on piston ring lands
SL2022-724pdf, 873 KBInlet and exhaust valve issues when operating on low-sulphur fuels
SL2022-723pdf, 487 KBEEXI Compliance
SL2022-722pdf, 539 KBRunning without gas injection for prolonged periods
SL2022-721pdf, 850 KBExcessive wear on the locking keys of crankshaft thrust bearing.
SL2022-720pdf, 1263 KBFees for technical assistance and advisory work
SL2021-719pdf, 687 KBCleaning of fuel injection nozzles
SL2021-718pdf, 882 KBOverspeed incident with disintegrated flywheel ̶ Updated information
SL2021-717pdf, 690 KBSafety during emergency repair Safety precautions
SL2021-716pdf, 538 KBReaming of valve guide after replacement
SL2021-715pdf, 1039 KBStarting air system Main engine and requirements to auxillary system
SL2021-714pdf, 1222 KBLow-load operation 5% to 40% engine load
SL2021-713pdf, 503 KBRemoval and re-installation of drive end hub on the crankshaft
SL2021-712pdf, 2359 KBInspection of valve roller guide
SL2021-711pdf, 326 KBNew PCU card for AT2000
SL2021-710pdf, 6149 KBNew procedure for honing of cylinder liners
SL2021-709pdf, 433 KBSafety screen filter
SL2021-708pdf, 1271 KBFees for technical assistance and advisory work - MAN PrimeServ, Copenhagen
SL2020-707pdf, 904 KBFuel leakage – from high-pressure pipes and low-pressure circulation lines
SL2020-706pdf, 1049 KBFretting in main bearing bore (replaces SL2017-645)
SL2020-705pdf, 653 KBLoad-up program Update of load-up recommendations in SL09-503/JAP
SL2020-704pdf, 507 KBInventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM)
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Teglholmsgade 41
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Requests of the S.E.M.T. Pielstick Service Bulletin should be addressed to:
MAN Energy Solutions France
Attention: Technical Assistance MAN PrimeServ
Avenue de Chatonay , Porte 7
BP 427
44615 Saint-Nazaire Cedex
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Prevent Pielstick Obsolescence
Pielstick Retrofit Solutions
Multibrand Lube Oil Condition Monitoring