Service Letters
This is a collection of service letters published by MAN Energy Solutions, Copenhagen/Holeby, Denmark, covering both MAN B&W two-stroke and MAN four-stroke combustion engines.
Our service letters provide information on new engine developments and trends, service experience, important aspects of engine management and maintenance, and emissions requirements compliance and development, etc.
Note that some service letters have documents attached (e.g. work cards, instructions, guidelines, specifications, etc.) that may subsequently have been updated after the release of the service letter. It is therefore recommended to check for the latest edition of such attachments.
Table of content
sl2010-524pdf, 462 KBTool for Turning Out Thrust Segments on S80/70/60MC Engines
sl2010-523pdf, 113 KBL16/24 GenSets 2008 - Update PrimeServ Retrofitting
sl2010-522pdf, 272 KBFees for Technical Assistance and Advisory Work
sl2010-518pdf, 1432 KBNew Course Catalogue of MAN Diesel PrimeServ Academies
sl2009-521pdf, 727 KBInspection Inside Cylinder Liners - Engine types: 90-98MC/MC-C, ME/ME-C and ME-S
sl2009-520pdf, 305 KBIMO Revised MARPOL Annex VI - Approved Methods for Pre-2000 Marine Engines
sl2009-519pdf, 364 KBFull Flow High Pressure Filters
sl2009-517pdf, 402 KBUpdated Valve Adjustment Procedure
sl2009-516pdf, 203 KBKeeping Fuel Rack Position in »Zero« Position in Case of Two Faulty RPM Pick-ups
sl2009-515pdf, 356 KBGuidelines on Operation on Distillate Fuels - Low-viscosity fuels
sl2009-514pdf, 387 KBTightening of chain - L/S70ME-C
sl2009-513pdf, 254 KBEIAPP Certificate for US-flagged Ships - Low speed engines
sl2009-512pdf, 186 KBCrankcase Relief Valve - Prevention and Damage Control
sl2009-511pdf, 1608 KBLow Load Operation - 10% to 40% Engine Load
sl2009-510pdf, 1753 KBLaying up vessels - Preservation of engines for cold laying-up
sl2009-509pdf, 1252 KBGuiding Overhaul Intervals - Updated Tables
sl2009-508pdf, 224 KBShaft for Roller at Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guide
sl2009-507pdf, 690 KBCylinder Lubrication Update - Guiding ACC Feed Rates for Alpha Lubricator and ME Lube - Replaces SL07-479/HRR for large bore engines
sl2009-506pdf, 258 KBLifting Tools for Cylinder Unit, Cylinder Liner and Dismantling Tool for Bearing Shell
sl2009-505pdf, 125 KBNew Low Sack Nozzle
sl2009-504pdf, 205 KBNew Lifting and Tilting Tool - Cleaning and Inspection of Cylinder Cover Contact Face and Combustion Area
sl2009-503pdf, 351 KBLoad-up Program - New load-up recommendations for bore sizes 80 cm and up
sl2009-502pdf, 301 KBLaying up vessels - Updated recommendations
2-stroke Table of contentpdf, 301 KB
2017-07-550pdf, 569 KBGuiding Overhaul Intervals Updated tables Replaces SL2017-643/SRJ
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Requests of the S.E.M.T. Pielstick Service Bulletin should be addressed to:
MAN Energy Solutions France
Attention: Technical Assistance MAN PrimeServ
Avenue de Chatonay , Porte 7
BP 427
44615 Saint-Nazaire Cedex
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Prevent Pielstick Obsolescence
Pielstick Retrofit Solutions
Multibrand Lube Oil Condition Monitoring