Service Letters
This is a collection of service letters published by MAN Energy Solutions, Copenhagen/Holeby, Denmark, covering both MAN B&W two-stroke and MAN four-stroke combustion engines.
Our service letters provide information on new engine developments and trends, service experience, important aspects of engine management and maintenance, and emissions requirements compliance and development, etc.
Note that some service letters have documents attached (e.g. work cards, instructions, guidelines, specifications, etc.) that may subsequently have been updated after the release of the service letter. It is therefore recommended to check for the latest edition of such attachments.
Table of content
SL2020-703pdf, 13502 KBAuthorized repair agent for Mitsubishi turbochargers - MAN PrimeServ Omnicare
SL2020-702pdf, 2878 KBOverspeed incident with disintegrated flywheel
SL2020-701pdf, 1408 KBThird-party spindle guides and nozzles - increased risk of scavenge space fire
SL2020-700pdf, 1079 KBRetrofitting of PLC (Replaces SL2012-564/JXN)
SL2020-699pdf, 521 KBRegular operation of EGR systems - EGRBP and EGRTC systems
SL2020-698pdf, 1189 KBCPR piston ring pack
SL2020-697pdf, 377 KBEngine room crane safety
SL2020-696pdf, 627 KBInlet pressure settings for air starters
SL2020-695pdf, 628 KBRegular operation of the SCR system to maintain correct functionality
SL2020-694pdf, 503 KBCylinder and system oils
SL2020-693pdf, 627 KBCybersecurity - MAN EngineVault
SL2020-692pdf, 683 KBLDCL cooling system update - for operation on very-low-sulphur fuels
SL2020-691pdf, 1263 KBFretting marks on piston crown and skirt assembly surfaces
SL2020-690pdf, 1186 KBFees for technical assistance and advisory work - MAN PrimeServ, Copenhagen
SL2019-689pdf, 621 KBExtended guiding overhaul intervals – for ME-GI and ME-GIE engines Appendix to SL2019-681/SRJ
SL2019-688pdf, 550 KBMAN SCR NOx sensors
SL2019-687pdf, 1557 KBLiner jacket cooling water system update - for operation on low-sulphur fuels
SL2019-686pdf, 517 KBCylinder and system oils
SL2019-685pdf, 1131 KBCondition-based overhaul Cermet-coated piston rings
SL2019-684pdf, 910 KBPiston cleaning ring Update of the instruction for piston cleaning ring replacement
SL2019-683pdf, 707 KBNew release of spare part plate for engine safety filter
SL2019-682pdf, 608 KBNew recommendation for grinding angle of exhaust valve spindle
SL2019-681pdf, 1024 KBGuiding overhaul intervals - replaces SL2017-650/SRJ
SL2019-680pdf, 249 KBHydraulic tightening pressure for connecting rod
SL2019-679pdf, 807 KBPropeller Maintenance Concept
SL2019-678pdf, 412 KBCheck of wiring for actuator
SL2019-677pdf, 1866 KBSulphur corrosion package
SL2019-676pdf, 1542 KBPreparation for 2020 fuels
SL2019-675pdf, 614 KBInsulation of indicator cock
SL2019-674pdf, 671 KBFuel tank cleaning - Supplement to SL2019-670
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Teglholmsgade 41
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Requests of the S.E.M.T. Pielstick Service Bulletin should be addressed to:
MAN Energy Solutions France
Attention: Technical Assistance MAN PrimeServ
Avenue de Chatonay , Porte 7
BP 427
44615 Saint-Nazaire Cedex
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Multibrand Lube Oil Condition Monitoring