Service Letters
This is a collection of service letters published by MAN Energy Solutions, Copenhagen/Holeby, Denmark, covering both MAN B&W two-stroke and MAN four-stroke combustion engines.
Our service letters provide information on new engine developments and trends, service experience, important aspects of engine management and maintenance, and emissions requirements compliance and development, etc.
Note that some service letters have documents attached (e.g. work cards, instructions, guidelines, specifications, etc.) that may subsequently have been updated after the release of the service letter. It is therefore recommended to check for the latest edition of such attachments.
Table of content
sl2015-602pdf, 6117 KBMaintenance and Pressure - Test of Lube Oil Cooler
sl2015-601pdf, 550 KBLoosening of Plugs in Piston
sl2015-600pdf, 426 KBTesting of Overspeed on L23/30H GenSets
sl2015-599pdf, 705 KBIncreased Protection of Turbochargers against Overspeed
sl2015-598pdf, 594 KBPublishing of Service Letters on the MAN Diesel & Turbo Website
sl2015-597pdf, 2787 KBHigh Exhaust Gas Temperatures and Turbine Cleaning
sl2014-596pdf, 1665 KBFees for Technical Assistance and Advisory Work
sl2014-595pdf, 1464 KBCleaning Procedure for Fuel Safety Filter
sl2014-594pdf, 1002 KBLubricating Oil Consumption
sl2014-593pdf, 599 KBGuidelines for Operation on Fuels with less than 0.1% Sulphur
sl2014-592pdf, 2122 KBApproved Method for the MAN B&W L50MC Engine Type
sl2014-591pdf, 697 KBPiston Ring Expander Claw
sl2014-590pdf, 806 KBEngine Perfomance Evaluation
sl2014-589pdf, 258 KBCooling Water Inlet Temperature at Scavenge Air Cooler
sl2014-588pdf, 200 KBL27/38 Propulsion Woodward Governor Top
sl2014-587pdf, 1435 KBCylinder Lubrication Update
sl2014-586pdf, 145 KBHandling of Tacho Failures and Reduction of Safety Risks in Plants with AT2000 PCS
sl2014-585pdf, 137 KBGear Servo Oil Pumps
sl2014-584pdf, 1028 KBCooling Water System - Maintenance and recommendations
sl2013-583pdf, 2829 KBL16/24 Mk 2 Update Package
sl2013-582pdf, 354 KBLube Oil Treatment
sl2013-581pdf, 439 KBLube Oil Treatment
sl2013-579pdf, 490 KBNew Stuffing Box Ring Pack - Lamella-Type Top Ring
sl2013-578pdf, 172 KBChange over to EAL (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant) in stern tube and propeller hub
sl2013-577pdf, 996 KBFuel Safety Filter
sl2013-576pdf, 863 KBSafety Precautions - 26-98 Engines
sl2013-573pdf, 1067 KBExhaust Valve Condition - In Relation to Low Load Operation
sl2013-572pdf, 543 KBLifting of Crankpin Bearing Cap for 26-90 Engines
sl2013-571pdf, 1856 KBCylinder Lubrication Update - Adjusting the ACC factor in service Replaces SL07-479 and SL09-507
sl2013-570pdf, 271 KBBackup Operation of AT2000 PCS
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Requests of the S.E.M.T. Pielstick Service Bulletin should be addressed to:
MAN Energy Solutions France
Attention: Technical Assistance MAN PrimeServ
Avenue de Chatonay , Porte 7
BP 427
44615 Saint-Nazaire Cedex
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Prevent Pielstick Obsolescence
Pielstick Retrofit Solutions
Multibrand Lube Oil Condition Monitoring