Market Update Notes (MUN)
This is a collection of the Market Update Notes (MUN) published by MAN Energy Solutions, Copenhagen/Holeby, Denmark, covering both MAN B&W two-stroke and MAN four-stroke engines.
MUNs provide information on new engine developments and trends, significant technical initiatives, and compliance with emission regulations.
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Methanol ready option expands flexibility for MAN L27/38 Mk. 2 engines
Methanol ready option expands flexibility for MAN L21/31 engines
New MAN B&W S60ME-C10.7- LGIM engine
New small-bore four-stroke engine joins methanol portfolio
New MAN B&W S60 engine
New MAN B&W S50 engines
MAN Energy Solutions introduces engine control system support for ’PTO option 2 for EEDI
Improved performance figures – ME-LGIM engines
Engine Selection Guide
Dual-fuel portfolio expanded with new methanol engine
SCR Tier III NOX emission abatement technologies available for ME-LGIM engines
New small-bore four-stroke GenSet for methanol operation
New 45- and 60-bore engines for methanol are available
New G50ME-C10.7 engine
Time to ensure engine connectivity
New optimised engines added to the sequential fuel injection family
Advantages of the flexible ME-GA concept
New ME-GI platform
RENK power take-off systems
New low-load-optimized engine tuning
Methane slip levels for ME-GI engines
Introducing the LGIM-W principle
Updating the use of ACOM and ACOS cylinder oil mixing systems
The first MAN B&W ME-GA engine
Successful prototype testing of the first G95ME-C10.5
New ME-GA dual fuel gas engine
G70ME-C-GI design updates
Introduction of the MAN B&W S35ME-C9.7 engine
Introduction of the S46ME-C
G80ME-C10.5 and G60ME-C10.5
Cooling water inlet temperature at scavenge air cooler
0.50% S fuel operation 2020
Water handling system
S40ME-C9.5 and S35ME-B9.7
Legislative requirements regarding sulphur in pilot fuel
New and improved ME-GI gas valve nozzle design
Improved SFOC with S40ME-C9.5 and S35ME-B9.7
EcoEGR coming to your TIER III engine soon
Fuel cost reductions with turbocharger cut-out systems
Decarbonization by enhanced systems engineering
Improved SFOC with S50ME-C9.6 and G50ME-C9.6
Improved SFOC with G95ME-C9.6 Engines
Updated data for G70ME-C(-GI)10.5
Two-Stroke Engines under the 2020 IMO Sulphur Cap and the Impact on Engine Design
Two-Stroke ME-GI Engine Running on LNG and VOC
Prolonging Time Between Overhaul of MAN Holeby L2330H Mk.II
Fuel Oil Optimisation of Small Bore GenSets
Efficiency Improvements to Main Engine Auxiliary Systems
ACOM — Automated Cylinder Oil Mixing
Application of High-Sulphur Fuels, Scrubbers and Tier III Equipment for MAN B&W
New Fuel Gas Supply System
Reduced installation costs with the new design of MAN Holeby L23-30H
MAN B&W Tier III two-stroke marine diesel engines with SCR
ME-B LGI Operation Manual
MAN B&W Two-Stroke S35ME-S and S35ME-GI-S for Stationary Application
Fuel Oil Optimisation of Small Bore GenSets_2016
An evaluation of the Possible Options for a Future Tier III Ready Retrofit Solution