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Maximize engine performance with 24/7 access to enhanced spare part design

From essential wear parts to parts for fuel and exhaust equipment, our spare parts, kits, and spare parts services are designed to ensure reliable availability. We keep your two-stroke and four-stroke engines, GenSets, propellers, and turbochargers running at top efficiency over their entire lifecycle.

We want you to enjoy the best – and most flexible – options there are to protect your investments and minimize downtime and repair costs. This is why we offer more than just genuine-quality parts with a flawless fit. We build on our extensive knowledge of the specifications of your engines and equipment to provide enhanced replacement parts and tailored parts solutions.

Why choose spare parts from MAN Energy Solutions?

24/7 support and global presence

We believe in long-term partnerships. That means that we’re with you all the way, providing support you need 24/7, 365 days a year so you can maintain an efficient operation. With our global presence with more than 100 service centers, distance is never an issue. No matter where you are, we keep your engines running smoothly and sustainably – so your business is always up to speed. 

Profitable fleet operation

Our Spare Partnership solutions and services give you an edge in maintaining profitable fleet operations while meeting new regulatory and environmental standards. With our strategy ‘Moving big things to zero’ we engineer systems for deep decarbonization in sectors that matter the most.

Green engines

Carbon-neutral operation requires not only green fuels, but also suitable engines. Already today we offer green engines that are ready to operate on several synthetic fuels like synthetic natural gas (SNG) or methanol. In 2024 we will introduce the world‘s first ammonia engine to the market.

Maximum engine efficiency

When it comes to spare parts the green transition and decarbonization starts with the engines already in service, by having the right spare parts. With us, you always get the latest design of spare parts, which means better durability, potential fuel or lube oil savings and maximum engine efficiency. All of this to ensure longer lasting spare parts and lower emissions.

MAN PrimeServ service centers across the world supply spare parts, services, and training to customers worldwide
we offer worldwide round-the-clock service 365 days a year for all MAN Energy Solutions products
employees at MAN PrimeServ serve customers around the globe

150+ years of OEM expertise in spare parts and service innovation

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One-stop shop services

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Simplify spare parts management

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Global emergency assistance

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High-quality standart components

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Updated designs for efficiency and quality

Always on, always running

Achieve peace of mind with our 360° spare parts and service offers

Discover OEM spare part solutions for your equipment and application.



The benefits of MAN Spare Partnership

The MAN PrimeServ Spare Partnership portfolio is comprehensive, extending to parts for legacy engines and systems, as well as part services, from 3D measurement to remanufacture.

  • One-stop shop services for two- and four-stroke engines, GenSets, turbochargers, propulsion packages, and aft ship systems
  • Simplify spare parts management with access to the industry’s most extensive portfolio of genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer quality parts, covered by warranty
  • Global emergency assistance availability to minimize downtime
  • Benefit from high-quality, standard components
  • Fully updated designs for highest quality and efficiency

We safeguard your future with MAN Spare Partnerships.

Spare parts when and where you need them

At MAN PrimeServ, we offer round-the-clock access to the OEM quality spare parts and services you need to ensure the performance and availability of your assets.

Talk to our experts

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