Gas turbines
MAN Energy Solutions gas turbines: For power generation or mechanical drive
The MGT6000 single shaft turbine with an electrical power range between 6.63 - 7.8 MWel is developed purely for power generation applications – high efficiency combined with a compact package design making it the perfect solution for CHP applications.
- Environmental friendly - ultra low emissions
- Future proof solution due to high fuel flexibility
- Combination of high electrical efficiency and exhaust heat
- Modular and flexible package design
- High availability due to robust design
The MGT6000 twin-shaft gas turbine with a mechanical power range between 6.9 - 8.3 MWmech is mainly used in mechanical drive applications. This design allows for the most efficient control of flow and discharge pressure of the driven compressor – the perfect solution for up and mid-stream applications.
- High availability due to robust design
- High efficiency and excellent partial-load behaviour
- Modular and flexible package design
- Environmental friendly - ultra low emissions
- High fuel flexibility
The THM twin-shaft gas turbine with a mechanical power range between 10.5 - 12.0 MWmech and an electrical power range between 10.0 - 11.5 MWel is suitable for both power generation and mechanical drive applications - onshore and offshore.
- Vast fuel flexibility and special fuels
- Resilient design for high availability under harsh conditions
- Easy maintenance due to modular design

Our gas turbines: Reliable workhorses for your business
Single- or twin-shaft design, onshore or offshore, for power generation or mechanical drive applications, fuel-flexible and modular: We have poured decades of experience into our latest range of gas turbines.
Perfect solution for CHP - the MGT6000
Benefit from MAN’s gas turbine with lowest lifecycle costs: The MGT6000. This enduring solution is the result of combining high fuel efficiency, high reliability, and a long mean time between overhauls. With CHP efficiencies of over 90%, the robust and long-lasting turbine is perfectly suited to power generation applications in the urban and industrial sector. Future proof designed with vast fuel flexibility and ultra-low emissions.
Recorded MAN ExpertTalks
Energy & Storage
Energy Supply for Pulp & Paper Production
MAN ExpertTalk, 17:00 – 18:30(W. Europe Standard Time)In this MAN ExpertTalk, we will present how to find a cost-efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly solution for the Energy Supply for the Pulp & Paper Industry.
Our agenda:
- Requirements of the Energy Supply for Pulp & Paper Production and how to translate them into product properties
- Case study of a gas turbine for paper production
- Gas turbine packages and its components
Download white papers
Energy supply for pulp and paper production
The technology involved in the production of pulp and paper is very challenging. But what about its energy supply? Due to the large amount of energy required in the production process, the energy supply deserves to be given appropriate attention.
This paper will outline the types of energy needed for the production process and explain which primary energy sources can be used. And it will focus on suitable energy conversion technology, its availability and the benefits of its service concepts.
We will also address the reduction of lifecycle costs and discuss sustainable solutions to satisfy all stakeholders.
Packaging solutions for gas turbines
The efficiency and cost of the core engine are often the focus of attention when discussing gas turbines. However, operators are aware of the importance of the reliability and serviceability of the surrounding package.
To demonstrate different options and to highlight the most relevant features, we will present the package and its main components including its control system. Furthermore, we will show how swift and cost-efficient commissioning and maintenance are fostered through standardization and modularization.
Finally, we will anticipate future trends in gas turbines and their influence on packaging solutions in order to increase the longevity of the package.MAN PrimeServ keeps your turbomachinery running
Our worldwide localized service engineers provide preventive maintenance, assist your troubleshooting, and get your facilities up and running in no time – wherever and whenever you need them.
How you benefit:
- Fast, reliable and expert customer support
- Customized service agreements
- Global service – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
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MGT6000 Single Shaftpdf, 2860 KB
MGT6000 Single Shaft - USpdf, 2844 KB
MGT6000 Twin Shaftpdf, 500 KB
THM1304 Generator Drivepdf, 540 KB
THM1304 Mechanical Drivepdf, 575 KB
Operating experience with MGT6000 Gas Turbinespdf, 951 KB
Example for Power generation: MGT6000 gas turbine series

Customer: | CSVW (Volkswagen China/Shanghai motors) |
Location: | Shanghai, China |
Scope: | 4x MGT6000 gas turbine packages |
Electrical power output: | 4x 6.63 MW (total: 26.52 MW) |
Steam production: | 15 t/h @ 10 bar per unit (total 60 t/h) |
Hot water production: | 1.1 MW per unit (total 4.4 MW) |
Example for Gas transport: THM1304 gas turbine series

Customer: | Ferrostaal for Turkmenneft |
Location: | Korpedje, Turkmenistan |
Scope: | 6x THM1304 gas turbine compressor packages |
Mechanical power output: | 4x 11.2 MW (Total: 67,2 MW) 1x THM1304 gas turbine generator package |
Electrical power output: |
11 MW
Gas turbine or gas engine
Comparing the efficiency and flexibility of MAN gas turbines and gas engines of the same output class in three different combined heat and power (CHP) processes involving steam and hot water generation. See how power-to-heat ratios and steam parameters affect the overall fuel utilization and therefore the profitability.
Contact our MAN Energy Solutions support team
Need to make a decision about upgrading existing machinery or thinking about acquiring a completely new gas turbine? Talk to us.
Whether for power generation or mechanical drive purposes, our heavy-duty gas turbines come in many shapes and sizes. See how we can make your business more robust and efficient.