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  • Decarbonization

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Avoiding CO2-emissions

Decarbonization is the process of reducing the net output of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the Earth's atmosphere.

How can decarbonization be achieved?

A lower CO2 output can be achieved by eliminating technologies and energy sources that cause a lot of CO2 emissions, replacing them with low-carbon and zero-carbon alternatives, and by reducing energy requirements. At the same time, emissions can also be offset by by carbon sequestration or storage.

What is the goal of decarbonization?

The ultimate target is to achieve carbon neutrality, meaning a return to levels of CO2 naturally present in the atmosphere prior to human intervention.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) first adopted
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions targeted until 2030 by the European Union
declared as goal for a carbon-neutral Europe

How is MAN Energy Solutions contributing to decarbonization?

MAN Energy Solutions strives to be an active part of a global energy transition, opening up an economic, cost-effective and efficient pathway towards sustainable development. Our goal is a low-carbon economy and – in the long term – a net-zero future. Our forward-looking technologies for the power sector and maritime sector can help reduce their carbon footprints and increase their energy efficiency significantly.

Learn more about decarbonization


A future technology for efficient and economic decarbonization

The world needs quick and efficient solutions to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. A vital part of those solutions will be green hydrogen and synthetic fuels derived from renewable energy using Power-to-X technology. Experts see hydrogen and Power-to-X as key technologies towards decarbonization and predict massive cost efficiencies once facilities on an industrial scale are established.

Learn more about Power-to-X

Sector coupling with Power-to-X

We shouldn't talk about solutions available in a decade or so, but act now to reduce our carbon footprint. Power-to-X is one of the technologies we have today that can lead to immediate carbon reductions.

Marc Grünewald, Head of Business Development, Power and New Energies at MAN Energy Solutions

Future fuels to decarbonize shipping

Unlike road transport, where direct battery electrification is becoming the technology of choice, decarbonization in shipping can only happen by decarbonizing the fuels used in internal combustion engines. In particular, large ocean-going vessels cannot be electrified with batteries or fuel cells. This is why MAN Energy Solutions is convinced that large combustion engines will continue to power ships in the future – especially when it comes to long-distance shipping. Such fuels include LNG, LPG and ethane as well as alternative fuels like green ammonia, methanol, synthetic methane, and green hydrogen.

Learn more about the climate-neutral fuels of the future

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