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Production site Oberhausen

Oberhausen forms the heart of the MAN Energy Solutions downstream (process industries) division, develops new energy storage solutions and is also our leading production and servicing location for compressors and turbines in the industrial segment.
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Production site Oberhausen

The company can trace its roots in the cradle of German industry, the Ruhr region:
MAN´s anchestors were founded in Oberhausen-Sterkrade over 260 years ago. Today, the site forms the heart of the downstream (process industries) division at MAN Energy Solutions, while also developing new energy storage solutions and being our largest production and service location of turbomachinery.

Approx. 1700 employees develop, test and manufacture compressors, expanders and turbines in Oberhausen for the entire world. Whether for the production of plastics, steel, industrial gases or chemical and petrochemical products, our efficient turbomachinery trains help manufacturers to decarbonize their processes and goods.

Oberhausen stands strongly for MAN’s claim “Future in the Making”. The key to various energy storage technologies lies in the site's unique compressor know-how which is essential for a successful energy turnaround. Solutions for energy storage include technologies such as LAES (Liquified Air Energy Storage) and CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage). In addition, Oberhausen develops industrial heat pumps, solutions for “green chemicals”/ammonia and turbomachinery for hydrogen applications.

Furthermore, the integrally geared compressors assembled at site are leading in applications for CO2 separation, storage and utilization. MAN is not only breaking new ground in the course of decarbonization. The unique engineering approach of the Oberhausen site is also leading more and more to digital products and solutions such as remote services, virtual commissioning, dynamic simulations with AI integration and even autonomous operation.

Technology innovations

LAES plant paper cut



Liquid air energy storage (LAES) is a cost-effective, long-term and large-scale solution without geographical restrictions. It makes fluctuating renewable sources capable of bearing base loads.




Industrial Heat Pumps

Traditionally, heat is generated by burning fossil fuels. Alternatively, the conversion of electric current is used. In direct comparison with fossil fuels, the use of an electric heat pump for heating reduces CO2 emissions by up to 2/3 - even without green electricity. Therefore, MAN Energy Solutions in Oberhausen offers the energetically superior heat pump technology.


More than 6700 machines built since 1970
Around 90.000 m² shop floor

Technology solutions from Oberhausen

The robust process gas screw compressors of MAN Energy Solutions are designed to handle highly contaminated gases and other gas mixtures under heavy-duty conditions that would curtail the availability and life expectancy of other compressor types.

Our versatile process gas screw compressors are used in the after-treatment of gases such as flare gases and on FPSO ships, for example.

These compressors sit at the center of several high-volume flow industrial applications such as in blast furnace blowers, propane dehydrogenation, wind tunnels and others.

  • Superior surge robustness
  • Outstanding efficiency
  • Also applied in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)

Available in horizontally split (RH) or barrel type (RB) design, these compressors are well-proven and serve in many industries, from chemicals to exploration and production, industrial gases and others.

  • Highest efficiency and proven impeller design
  • Pre-designed sealing systems for easy assembly
  • Service-friendly design and easy maintenance

Fully adaptable to your needs, our integrally geared compressors typically stand for high efficiency and a speedy return on investment in a wide range of applications. This multi-shaft centrifugal compressor allows for up to five pinions, depending on your individual requirements.

  •  Individually selectable impeller speed for optimal flow and costs
  • Up to three combined applications within one casing
  • Sealing and intercooling opportunities

MAN Energy Solutions Changzhou offers industrial steam turbines for mechanical drive applications.

For industrial processes like the production of Nitric acid or Purified Terephtalic Acid (PTA), expanders by MAN Energy Solutions ensure recovery of energy potentials, meaning enhanced efficiency and ecology.

Expanders serve in particular to improve efficiency and the energy balance by recovering energy from gases in certain chemical and petrochemical processes.

The gas turbine portfolio comprises the THM Gas Turbine family in the 9-13 MW range as well as a newly developed gas turbine MGT with power output of up to 8 MW for both power generation as well as for mechanical drive applications.

Career and training offers


MAN Energy Solutions Oberhausen

Steinbrinkstr. 1
46145 Oberhausen

t +49 208 692 01
f +49 208 669 021

Site Manager: Florian Schiller

MAN Energy Solutions Oberhausen
Steinbrinkstraße 1
46145 Oberhausen

History of Oberhausen site


Historical Oberhausen

1758 – Founding of the St. Antony iron works

1782 – Establishment „Gute Hoffnungshütte”(GHH) steel in Sterkrade

1904 – First GHH steam turbine

1950 – First GHH axial compressor

1996 – Establishment of GHH BORSIG Turbomaschinen GmbH

1999 – Launch of Intelligent Remote Diagnostic System IRDS™

2001 – Takeover of the Sulzer AG turbomachinery activities by MAN Turbomaschinen AG GHH BORSIG

2004 – Change of name in MAN TURBO AG

2010 – Merger to form MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

2013 – New test bench MUENSTER in Oberhausen

2013 – Development of the world largest air compressor MAX1

2014 – Opening of the MAN PrimeServ Academy in Oberhausen

2014 – Entry of a new gas turbine into market

2015 – Acquisition of MaxWatt Turbines Pvt. Ltd. and integration of impulse steam turbine technology

2019 – Launch PrimeServ Assist

2020 – First remote commissioning by MAN Energy Solutions

2021 – First LAES system with grid stability service in cooperation with Highview Power 

2021 – MAX1 for propane dehydrogenation (PDH)

2021 – MAN Energy Solutions as founding member of HydrOB – Campus for Hydrogen Technologies Oberhausen

2021 – First AI based automation product

Learn more about our company history

Historical Oberhausen