Cost-cutting dual fuel solutions for LNG shipping
Versatile engines for complex tasks
Getting a good return on your investment
Although the market for LNG continues to grow, building a vessel for the LNG supply industry is a major investment in complex technology that has to be amortized with a maximum of yearly operating hours. You also have to factor in competition from other carriers, environmental regulations, and unpredictable fuel costs.
Success factors
Maritime transport of LNG has proven to be safe thanks to very high safety standards. However, LNG is a highly valuable freight, and delivery delays are costly—that means cargo tank management is essential. The engines have to be capable of coping with different boil-off gas (BOG) qualities and quantities, in line with charter requirements.
Flexible propulsion solutions
Different LNG shipping applications also have comparable requirements with a different technical emphasis: Reliability, flexibility, capital expenditure (CAPEX), operating expenses (OPEX), emission regulations, and the energy efficiency design indices (EEDI). The MAN dual fuel propulsion solutions can be tailored to meet every need.
Flexible and powerful propulsion solutions for LNG shipping
LNG carriers

LNG carriers have to deliver highly valuable freight on time, which means they require operational flexibility. Sailing globally through environmentally sensitive waters demands low emissions, and the operational safety of the propulsion system is paramount.
Navigating operational, contractual and environmental challenges
Modern LNG tankers therefore need highly reliable propulsion systems and service support that can ensure constant engine availability. Operational challenges include the fulfillment of all safety norms (IGF, IGC Codes) and high load flexibility. Careful management is necessary to maintain correct pressure in the cargo tanks and to handle the boil-off gas. Furthermore, the engines have to cope with varying power demands.
The new IMO regulations impose tough limits on nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions. In the future, even stricter standards will apply in the emission control areas (ECAs). In order to deliver their very valuable freight on time and cost-efficiently, the owners and operators of LNG carriers also have to factor in the fluctuating costs of fuel oil and LNG as fuels. The MAN multi-fuel engines and propulsion systems with fuel flexibility meet all these challenges.
Go to Four-Stroke propulsion engines

The floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) turns the LNG fuel to gas, which can be pumped straight into the gas grid. It is a clever alternative to building a regasification system on land and thus a key element in the LNG supply chain. An FSRU is a promising business opportunity for owners and operators, but it does involve many technical, contractual, and environmental issues.
Working with clean power
By working with clean power, the FSRU has to comply with coastal environmental regulations as well as the emission requirements of the ship’s flag state. In terms of engine operation, safety comes first. Service support is important for high operational availability.
In terms of engine output, the operation of the regasification equipment usually requires less power than the propulsion. Careful cargo tank management is important to maintain pressure in the cargo tanks and handle the boil-off gas. The MAN dual fuel solutions make it easy.
Go to Four-Stroke propulsion engines
LNG feeder and bunker vessels

Low gas prices are increasing the popularity of LNG as a maritime fuel. This, in turn, is driving the demand for feeder and bunker vessels that can efficiently deliver LNG to the ships that use it as fuel.
High performance with low consumption
Delivering LNG to marine clients is a challenging operation. Feeders and bunker vessels need high maneuverability to perform safely. They have to be available 365 days a year and must have a low overall energy consumption – the less cargo they burn, the better. They should also be suitable for operating in noise-sensitive areas and comply with emissions regulations.
With their outstanding fuel economy, our dual fuel engines offer excellent solutions for operators who are looking for low CAPEX and OPEX, and global logistics support.
Go to Four-Stroke propulsion engines
Dual fuel and gas supply solutions for LNG shipping

Leading the way in cryogenic equipment
With the acquisition of Cryo AB in February 2016, MAN Energy Solutions became one of the world’s leading manufacturers of cryogenic equipment for the storage, distribution, and handling of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
For more than 50 years, Cryo AB has put its skills and advanced technology at the service of the gas industry. As such, MAN Cryo products are available to demanding marine and industrial gas companies when it comes to selecting the most efficient and economical cryogenic equipment for marine gas fuel systems as well as for offshore and onshore bunkering systems.
MAN Cryo has a wide product range of equipment for LNG, both for onshore and offshore applications. It includes marine LNG fuel gas systems with more than 30 systems operating to date, as well as LNG bunkering systems for bunker vessels and for onshore installation. MAN's experience and product portfolio offer supply equipment for all your marine LNG needs, like marine fuel gas systems, offshore and onshore bunkering systems, as well as stationary distribution systems for regasification or fuel filling.
MAN PrimeServ protects your energy assets from day one
Whether you feed energy into the grid or satisfy a localized demand, on land or at sea, our technicians provide what you need – where and when you need it, ensuring the availability, flexibility, and profitability of your plant.
How you benefit:
- Fast, reliable and expert customer support
- Prompt delivery of OEM spare parts
- Bespoke O&M contracts
- Global service – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Would you like to learn more about our cost-effective propulsion systems? Get in touch now! We are your partner for highly reliable and efficient solutions for your LNG carrier and are always at your service.
Our global network of experienced engineers is happy to design the perfect-fit solution for you and your business. Start your engines now and reach out to us today.
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