About MAN Energy Solutions Chile
MAN Energy Solutions produces equipment for Chilean ships, four-stroke medium speed and high-speed engines, marine generators and large two-stroke engines.
MAN PrimeServ Chile
At MAN Engergy Solutions Chile we offer our customers a professional and trustworthy partnership with experience in project management in power generation and marine projects. We deliver innovative and efficient engines and marine systems.
Our customer service MAN PrimeServ offers a wide range of high-quality maintenance services and spare parts.
MAN Energy Solutions Chile has implemented a modern workshop to provide faster and more efficient service solutions.
Power Plants
MAN Energy Solutions Chile we have been offering flexible power plant solutions tailored to the specific needs of each region and each customer on behalf of the MAN Energy Solutions Group for over 100 years.
MAN Energy Solutions is one of the world's leading suppliers of turbomachinery and reactors for the Oil & Gas and the Process Industry.
Our turbomachineries in Chile are manufactured according to the specifications and requirements of our customers as in the production factory in Germany and Switzerland.
Fixed steam turbine generators for power generation range from 1 MW to 160 MW. MAN Energy Solutions Chile also uses steam turbine technology as a mechanical unit for compressors or blowers.
Compressors are customized products that have been developed on the basis of prepared components and standards. They are manufactured and packed in the MAN workshop in Chile. Thanks to the high flexibility in the driver selection (GT, ST or EM) we can offer the cheapest and fastest technical solution based on our customers needs.
MAN PrimeServ Ecuador
MAN Energy Solutions Ecuador was founded in November 2011 as a subsidary of MAN Energy Solutions Chile Ltda.
The office is located in Quito, in the most important business area in the country. Quito in the central part of Ecuador is a strategic location to the main ports and the Oil & Gas industry and mining sectors.
The office in Ecuador has four employees including sales and technical services.
MAN Energy Solutions Ecuador offers after-sales- and a wide range of high quality maintenance services as well as spare parts.
Through our MAN PrimeServ brand, MAN Energy Solutions Ecuador offers after-sales service 24 hours, 7 days a week.
MAN PrimeServ Colombia
MAN Energy Solutions Colombia was founded 2013. Located in the capital city of Bogotá at MAN Energy Solutions Comlombia we support local customers in the industrial sectors of energy, maritime transport, defense, oil & gas, petrochemical and paper manufacturing.
We support our customers in Colombia, Venezuela (for MAN engines), Ecuador and Peru (MAN Turbomachinery). Through the MAN PrimeServ brand MAN Energy Solutions Colombia offers after-sales service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.