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It is our mission to supply the best quality education solutions to help customers around the globe operate and maintain their engines and equipment with maximum efficiency and safety. Tailored to the needs of engineers, technicians, operators, and application personnel, our courses supplement practical experience with theory. We make sure your staff stays on top of the latest technological developments.
Key advantages of MAN PrimeServ Academies eLearning
eLearning: knowledge on demand
Engine fluids eLearning
About 360 minutes
- Fuels: heavy fuel oil, diesel fuel, gas, biofuel
- Fuel specifications, fuel characteristics
- Fuel analyses (with exercises)
- Cooling water treatment
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) eLearning
About 120 minutes
- Rules and regulations, functional principles
- Air path
- Urea path
- Control system
SaCoSone eLearning
About 180 minutes
- Architecture
- Components
- Exchange of modules
- Device manager
- Expert tool
Common Rail and Variable Valve Training
About 120 minutes
- Common Rail system, functional principles
- Variable Valve timing, functional principles
Turbocharger design, operation and trouble shooting eLearning
About 145 minutes
- Introduction
- Fundamentals
- Design features
- Turbocharger on the engine
- Maintenance during operation
- Trouble shooting
- Case studies: Malfunctions and root cause analysis
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Digital learning 2025pdf, 1693 KB