MAN PrimeServ TechLine call means instant global access to qualified professionals that will help you resolve the issues that keep you from running at peak performance. Always at your side – everywhere
24/7 call +49 208 692-9000
We’ll keep you running
You’re in a high-stakes business. When you need help, you need it right away. Not just any help. You need an experienced trained professional at your side. A specialist who knows your equipment, understands your problem, and doesn’t let go until it’s solved – a TechLine specialist.
Full coverage: around the clock around the world
Our always-on “follow-the-sun” knowledge and service workflow guarantees you seamless availability of top-tier professionals, no matter what time zone you’re in, when you call, or how long it takes to resolve your question.

TechLine is a key module of PrimeServ Assist
TechLine is a PrimeServ Assist product – the next step in the evolution of secure remote turbomachinery monitoring service. We track and analyze your machine data in near real time to deliver professional maintenance and performance advice that improves uptime, efficiency, and safety. Get PrimeServ Assist to increase your availability and overall plant performance.

PrimeServ TechLine
- Machine identification, problem sketching, and initial solution attempt. Unsolved issues are transferred to machine experts.
- Machine expert attempts machine- and issue-specific resolution.
PrimeServ Assist “Premium” and Longterm Service Agreement (LTSA) customers have priority access according to the conditions of their contract. All other customers have limited-time access. Please contact your sales representative for pricing.
PrimeServ EyeTech
This is our latest high-tech troubleshooting tool – the PrimeServ EyeTech device worn by on-site staff for hands-free use during issue resolution with our remote engineers.
This product is available as an add-on in combination with our Remote Operations Centers and TechLine service.
Remote Operation Centers
MAN PrimeServ Remote Operation Centers located in three time zones globally. Here, data from turbomachinery in the field is monitored and analyzed by our experts to provide status notifications and proactive advice to our customers.
Download your PrimeServ TechLine brochure
To learn more about PrimeServ TechLine and how you can protect your bottom line, read our brochure now
Get covered now
Invest in your peace of mind. Call your MAN representative (+49 208 692-9000) to discuss your options and what will work best for you.
Or send us a note via email to