Future proof engines for offshore wind vessels
More wind farms, bigger turbines, rougher locations: demand for renewable energy is stimulating growth in construction of wind parks at sea. Environmental logic requires we minimize the carbon footprint of installation and operation. The answer is a new class of wind farm installation vessels with clean, efficient engines that can cope with complex tasks in harsh conditions. We have drawn on our extensive experience in the offshore sector and we have future-proofed our engines for green fuels. Here you will find engines you can build on.
Wind, waves, and clean energy
The vessels that transport, install, and maintain wind turbines must live up to high environmental standards. To meet the goal of carbon neutrality, vessels need reliable engines that are clean and highly efficient: operators’ reputations depend on them. As the wind farms migrate further offshore in search of strong winds, the sea conditions become tougher.
Offshore wind engine portfolio
The methanol-ready MAN 32/44CR and MAN 175D propulsion engines and the MAN 175D GenSet are reliable, efficient, low-emission designs. These engines are perfectly suited for specialist wind farm applications such as wind turbine installation vessels (WTIVs) and wind foundation installation vessels (WFIVs) or for general offshore support vessel applications such as service operations vessels (SOV) and commissioning service operation vessels (CSOVs).

Methanol-ready MAN 32/44CR
The MAN 32/44CR brings together the most advanced large-engine technologies, including the MAN common rail system, high-efficiency turbochargers, variable valve timing and state-of-the-art control systems. These advantages are future-proofed by the availability of the methanol retrofit.
Methanol-ready MAN 175D
The most powerful high-speed engine on the market meets emissions standards without compromising on efficiency or performance. Thanks to its compact size and clear-cut design, it is easy to integrate and easy to operate and maintain. Long TBOs and low fuel consumption ensures the lowest OPEX and reduces emissions. A methanol dual fuel retrofit will be available from 2026.

MAN 175D GenSet
Packing the latest technology into minimal space, the MAN 175D GenSet is characterized by a clear-cut design, flexible ship integration, simple operation, and straightforward maintenance. Its modular design allows it to meet all the challenges of today’s offshore applications.
MAN L21/31 Mk2
MAN L21/31 Mk2 offers reliable power,
stable operation and the possibility to operate this engine on conventional
fuels as well as biofuel oils. Optimized engine design with improved fuel
efficiency delivers cost efficiency during its entire life cycle. This engine
represents a safe investment for your offshore wind vessel.

Methanol-fuelled MAN L21/31DF-M
Methanol-fuelled MAN L21/31DF-M is a compact and reliable engine which offers fuel flexibility and possibility to lower greenhouse gas emissions. It can be operated on methanol, conventional fuels as well as most biofuel oils. With its outstanding load-step capabilities and extremely long time between overhauls (TBOs), it is a perfect future-proof solution suitable for powering your offshore wind vessel.
MAN L27/38 Mk2
Powerful MAN L27/38 Mk2 delivers improved competitiveness and reliable operation which make it a solution suitable for most offshore applications. This engine can run on conventional fuel types as well as biofuel oils and offers cost efficiency during its entire life span. The methanol version of this engine (MAN L27/38DF-M) is already in development.

MAN ExpertTalks
Energy & Storage
From source to solution: Methanol’s missing link in energy transition
MAN ExpertTalkE-methanol is produced using renewable energy. This often comes from offshore wind turbines, which are installed by specialized vessels, which are powered by MAN methanol engines. These are just some of the links in the methanol value chain, but they show how MAN Energy Solutions can bring together suppliers and consumers of methanol. We also provide links through CCS, hydrogen electrolysis, and methanol synthesis.
Offshore Newbuildings Specify Methanol-Ready MAN 175D Engines
Ulstein Verft AS, the Norwegian yard, has ordered 2 × 3 × MAN 12V175D-MEV methanol-ready engines in connection with the building of two CSOV (Commissioning Service Operation Vessels) for Bernhard Schulte Offshore (BS Offshore), the offshore unit of international shipping corporation, Schulte Group. The vessels are designed to support the offshore wind-energy market, and are planned for delivery in 2025; an option for four additional vessels exists.
The 175D variable-speed gensets enable the vessels to achieve a significant reduction in fuel consumption and emissions. Each comes with an integrated MAN closed-loop SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system, a compact and flexible solution for the vessels. The MAN 175D gensets also feature reduced structural and airborne noise, as well as the lowest lube-oil consumption.
Mads Faerk, Head of Sales, MAN Energy Solutions Norway, said: “As an industry that provides renewable energy, the spotlight is firmly on offshore wind farms regarding carbon emissions and supply-chain sustainability. Decarbonising vessels in the offshore wind sector has great potential and methanol-ready vessels, which can be converted from running on conventional fuels to methanol without the need for a major refit, are an eminently practical way of achieving this.”
Matthias Müller, Managing Director Bernhard Schulte Offshore, said, “The order for the two newbuildings marks a milestone in the development of our offshore fleet. We are committed to innovating in design and technology to promote the decarbonisation of the maritime industry while supporting the energy transformation and offshore wind power supply. MAN's innovative 175D engine design is notable for its flexible use of various fuel grades, including biofuel, and its suitability for dual-fuel methanol retrofits.”
Compared to conventional fuels, methanol cuts carbon dioxide emissions by up to 95%, nitrogen oxide by up to 80%, and completely eliminates sulphur oxide and particulate matter.
Florian Keiler, Head of High Speed, MAN Energy Solutions, said: “MAN Energy Solutions’ commitment to decarbonisation focuses not only on future fuels but also on the environmental footprint of the engines itself. From optimising lube-oil consumption, maximising oil-change intervals and with best-in-class times between overhaul, the MAN 175D engine achieves the lowest total cost of ownership. We congratulate BS Offshore and Ulstein on this exciting project and are looking forward to working closely with them in executing it. This first order for MAN 175D DNV-approved, fuel-ready engines proves MAN Energy Solutions commitment to support the marine industry transition into sustainable fuels.”
About the MAN 175D engine
MAN Energy Solutions has developed the MAN 175D engine range to supplement and complete its product portfolio in the maritime sector. Available in three variants of 12-, 16- and 20-cylinders, the engine is available with an output ranging from 1,500 to 4,400 Kilowatts and is optimised for propelling ferries, offshore support ships, tugs and other working vessels. Other market areas, such as superyachts, planing yachts and naval marine applications are also served by additional engine variants.
The 175D is also an extremely eco-friendly engine, having been designed from the outset for low fuel consumption, coupled with compliance to the latest exhaust-gas-emission standards and considering as well future-fuel requirements where it is already cleared for operation on biofuels, such as FAME and HVO.
(Second picture: Each featuring 3 × MAN 12V175D-MEV methanol-ready engines as part of a hybrid battery propulsion system, the new CSOVs will have a length of 89.6 m, a beam of 19.2 m, with accommodation for 132 people (picture courtesy Ulstein))
PR Ulstein BSO CSOV 175D_EN
Nils Søholt
Trade Press Marine
Group Communications & MarktingMAN Energy SolutionsTeglholmsgade 412450 Copenhagen SVDenmark
nils.soeholt@man-es.com t +45 33 85 26 69Available languages
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