White papers
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Energy supply for data centers – survey report 2023
Data centers, often considered the backbone of the digital economy, are instrumental in processing, storing, and disseminating vast amounts of information. However, the energy required to sustain their operations, including the powering of servers, cooling systems, and other infrastructure, is reaching unprecedented levels. Estimates suggest that by 2025, data centers might consume as much as 20% of the world’s total energy. This survey report is designed to shed light on the current state of energy supply in data centers and to evaluate the market awareness of our solutions.
Energy transition with hydrogen
We will evaluate the challenges facing potential developments of hydrogen in power generation. These concern transport, the use of existing infrastructure, and the roles of industrial sectors. Having considered the background and challenges, we present a short decision-making guide to investing in hydrogen and / or synthetic natural gas. We also provide three use cases from the food and beverage industry, shipping, and aviation. Finally, we will look at power-to-X solutions for the production of SNG and describe electrolysis and methanation in detail.
Future fuels power generation - survey report 2022
Climate change is a global issue and it is commonly agreed that carbon emissions play a significant role in global warming. As such, the decarbonization of man-made CO2 emissions has become beyond urgent. We asked customers about the relevance of future fuels for their business, the opportunities for future-fuel production, and the challenges it faces. From the numerous responses, we have evaluated the results and are happy to share them.
Integrated energy production
This white paper aims to highlight the changes in the global energy industry. These are immense, but have the advantage that in addition to the challenges and adjustments in the previous model, they can also bring great opportunities for the future. Opportunities for business models that can be newly built or integrated into the existing one.
Integrated energy production - survey report 2021
Energy transition challenges offer innovative opportunities for energy producers. The question now is not about how much energy you produce, it is about how smart you integrate it. At the end of 2021, we conducted a survey among our customers regarding integrated energy production. Take a look at the results of this insightful poll here.
Molten salt energy storage
Long-duration energy storage (LDES) is needed to ensure the reliability of electric utilities as they move toward 100 % clean energy targets. MAN Energy Solutions has developed the molten salt energy storage system, or MOSAS, to meet and exceed utility customers' expectations. MOSAS uses renewable electricity to raise molten salt to very high temperatures and this salt can be stored for any length of time.
Decarbonize now with LNG-to-power
While the hard CO2 reduction targets are defined from 2030 on, steps can already be taken for future-proof and LCOE-driven investments that will pave the way for the new energy world. Although in the long run, fossil fuels will lose their share of the energy production market, in the mid-term they will still remain the main source for energy production. Natural gas is the cleanest of all fossil fuels and is already able to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 50 % compared to coal.
Industrial heat pumps
This white paper is aimed to provide readers with basic knowledge on the current energy market and technologies an insight about the principle of “Carnot Batteries”. More specifically the paper gives an overview of the MAN's ETES technology, an innovative heat pump system coupled with thermal storage that provides heat and cold in addition to electricity, and its wide range of applications.
CO2 reduction toolbox
We have emitted carbon dioxide without concern. Natural sinks are not absorbing the anthropogenic emissions, and atmospheric concentrations are increasing. Gradual warming is the outcome. While the change is unnoticeable in our busy daily lives, it is perceptible in delicate environments. Technology to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is available. Emission sources are diverse, and many technologies can be used. Some of the most promising technologies will be described here.
Energy supply for pulp and paper production
The technology involved in the production of pulp and paper is very challenging. But what about its energy supply? Due to the large amount of energy required in the production process, the energy supply deserves to be given appropriate attention. This paper will outline the types of energy needed for the production process and explain which primary energy sources can be used. And it will focus on suitable energy conversion technology, its availability and the benefits of its service concepts. We will also address the reduction of lifecycle costs and discuss sustainable solutions to satisfy all stakeholders.
Packaging solutions for gas turbines
The efficiency and cost of the core engine are often the focus of attention when discussing gas turbines. However, operators are aware of the importance of the reliability and serviceability of the surrounding package. To demonstrate different options and to highlight the most relevant features, we will present the package and its main components including its control system. Furthermore, we will show how swift and cost-efficient commissioning and maintenance are fostered through standardization and modularization. Finally, we will anticipate future trends in gas turbines and their influence on packaging solutions in order to increase the longevity of the package.
Of all the sectors of energy production to be decarbonized, the production of heat for industrial processes needing high-quality, high-temperature heat and steam are among the most challenging. The decision has been made to stop using coal and to ramp up renewable energy sources (RES). But what will fill the gap in the net-zero scenarios for the energy industry?
Gas turbine vs. gas engine
Comparing the efficiency and flexibility of MAN gas turbines and gas engines of the same output class in three different combined heat and power (CHP) processes involving steam and hot water generation. See how power-to-heat ratios and steam parameters affect the overall fuel utilization and therefore the profitability.
Hybrid power
This paper presents two use cases for hybrid power systems based on real project data. Both use cases show that hybridization supports reliable and cost-effective power generation. In many cases, hybridization is the only commercially viable way to maximize RES penetration, while ensuring security of supply.
Small-scale LNG
Small-scale LNG has the potential to support particularly remote areas and islands with the cleanest fossil fuel available for power generation. Due to the operation flexibility it can be seen as a perfect match with the fluctuating renewables like wind and solar power for investment in a sustainable future energy mix.
Heat up Carbon down- survey report 2023
As the world races toward cleaner, greener energy solutions, MAN Energy Solutions is leading the charge with innovative large-scale heat pump technologies. The Survey Report reveals a booming interest in cutting-edge, large-scale heat pumps delivering efficient, carbon-neutral heating from 60°C to 280°C with outputs over 90 MWth. To power this clean energy revolution, MAN offers four smart financing models making sustainability more accessible and cost-effective than ever.