Get the tech you need for large-scale physics discoveries.
Our role in scientific exploration is to realize the technology that brings your ideas to life and thus to enable discoveries that change the way we perceive the world and live in it. Our services include preliminary studies, engineering, shop fabrication, logistics, assembly on site, and support during commissioning. We assist you every step of the way.
Proudly contributing to the success of physical research.
We are actively involved in the search for tomorrow’s energy sources. We do this by contributing our problem-solving competence and experience. Scientific institutes all over the world find MAN Energy Solutions a reliable partner. For example, DWE® technology helps the scientists at CERN answer the question of what happened right after the big bang.
Our special areas of operation are:
- Vacuum chambers for science experiments, e.g. for coating operations
- Thermal insulation and support structures for fusion experiments
- Plasma vessels and vacuum vessels for fusion experiments
- Altitude test benches for rocket engines and aircraft turbine engines
- Components for fusion
Creative engineering in action
Fusion experiments

MAN has a vast experience with demanding projects within the scope of large-scale fusion experiments. We have already participated in the construction of the Wendelstein 7-x plant in Greifswald, Germany, built by the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP). We supported the project by supplying the internal and external vessel as well as the machinery foundation. Wendelstein 7-x produced the first plasma in 2016 – scientists are now studying the basis for the energy supply of the future.
MAN Energy Solutions is participating in the construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in the south of France. It is the largest construction site in Europe and quite possibly the biggest technical challenge of all time.
In 2015, MAN received the contract to assemble the Cryostat at the heart of ITER. The largest stainless-steel high-vacuum chamber ever built, with a height of 30 m and a volume of 16,000 m³, provides the high vacuum, the ultra-cold environment for the vacuum vessel and the superconducting magnets. In the vacuum vessel, under extreme heat and pressure conditions, gaseous hydrogen is converted into plasma – a hot, electrically charged gas that can be used to generate energy. One gram of fusion plasma contains roughly the same amount of energy as twelve tonnes of coal. ITER will work with just three grams of fusion plasma and, from this, will generate 500 MW of thermal power.
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Science projects

We are proud to have contributed to the success of such outstanding projects as the CERN particle accelerator ring in Geneva, the Munich II research reactor, and the ESO Very Large Telescope.
For the realization of such large-scale experiments, we have developed components of sizes never previously constructed: Steel structures of carbon steel or stainless steel with diameters of 15 meters and all-up weights of 6,500 tonnes, 10-meter long flow condensers for exhaust gases at 3,000 °C, or high and ultra-high vacuum chambers of anti-magnetic stainless steel whose exceptionally complex structure can be measured only by using an up to date 3D laser measurement system. In this field, special solutions are the rule, requiring not only enormous technical knowledge but also creativity and willingness to accept a certain degree of risk.
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Test benches

As partner to scientific research institutes, MAN Energy Solutions participates in large-scale physics experiments. For this fascinating work, our performance spectrum begins with the engineering basics. In cooperation with our customers we have developed concepts such as the test stand for the VINCI power plant for the Ariane 5 heavy-lift rocket. Our role includes modelling and design, working out and testing innovative manufacturing processes and advising on manufacturing techniques. Naturally, we also manufacture the desired equipment and install it on site.
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DWE® services
MAN Energy Solutions is actively involved in the search for tomorrow’s energy sources and accompanies you from the idea to operational experiments: As expert for large technical plants, we develop and build precisely that apparatus needed to lift the veil and help answering questions on the future energy supply. Hereby, we work in close cooperation with scientists all over the world. Our contribution to the success of many visionary projects give proof of our deep technical expertise for individual solutions and creativity.
How you benefit:
- Studies
- Engineering
- Shop fabrication
- Logistics
- Assembly on site
- Support during commissioning
Contact our MAN Energy & Storage support team
Do you need special technology to realize your scientific experiments?
DWE® has experience in large-scale creative engineering for international projects. Find out what we can do to accelerate your discovery.