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The Historical Archive of MAN Energy Solutions

The history of MAN Energy Solutions and the former MAN Group as a whole goes back more than 260 years. The company and product history is well documented with around two million archival records. You can find information on our multifaceted technical history and social history topics here.
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The future needs a past

The Historical Archive was created in 1938 and is made up of several factory archives of the former Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG (M.A.N.).

The archive’s main objective is to document and preserve our company’s technical and product history and to make it accessible. Only the most significant documents, contracts and other types of sources are made available here for posterity. It enables us to retrace history, reconstruct past events and preserve important information and knowledge for future generations. This also enables customers and employees to identify with our products and the company. Our archive is therefore an important tool for preserving the company’s history while at the same time improving the company’s efficiency and effectiveness.

The Historical Archive is the memory of our company.

The Archive management


Our inventory

The Historical Archive houses around two million documents from the Augsburg, Nuremberg, Gustavsburg and Hamburg plants. These mainly include:

  • Brochures
  • Operating instructions
  • Sales and delivery lists
  • Press releases
  • Employee and company magazines
  • Annual reports
  • Publications and literature
  • Photo and film material
  • Objects (calendars, medals)
  • Estates


  • Internal enquiries (e.g. for historical publications, anniversaries, lectures)
  • External enquiries (e.g. from journalists, scientists, students)

Please e-mail us at – we will do the research for you and provide you with the documents digitally if possible.

It is also possible to visit the archive by arrangement. Documents relating to our MAN commercial vehicles can be found in the MAN Truck & Bus Historical Archive in Munich. Archival material on our rail vehicles/locomotives can mostly be found in the Deutsche Bahn archives.


Interesting examples from the Historical Archive

  • Wine in MAN’s product portfolio

    St Antony winery label

    This label belonged to a wine that came from Gutehoffnungshütte (GHH)’s own vineyard. In 1912, GHH acquired a lime pit along with some neighboring vineyards and concentrated on wine production just a few years later. The popular winery became part of the MAN Group with the restructuring in 1986.

  • MAN Energy Solutions' company history

    Augsburg factory sign from 1907

    This example of a sign shows one of the many names the company has gone by in its 260-year history. Since the merger of the original Augsburg and Nuremberg companies in 1898, the company has been known as the “Vereinigte Maschinenfabrik Augsburg und Maschinenbaugesellschaft Nürnberg”. The name was not abbreviated to M.A.N. until 1908.

  • Products over time

    15 hp steam engine

    Until the beginning of the 20th century, steam engines were the most important way of powering ships, locomotives and factories until they were replaced by the invention of the diesel engine. MAN also once built steam engines, such as the 15 hp one shown here.

  • Lesser-known MAN products

    Prefabricated steel buildings

    In 1946, MAN began manufacturing prefabricated steel houses to help with the housing shortage after the Second World War. Here you can see an advertising flyer for the steel houses.

  • Art from the factory

    Painting by Heinrich Kley

    The artist Heinrich Kley (1863-1945) painted this picture of a diesel engine on the Augsburg machine factory’s test stand.

  • Involvement in Frankfurt’s trade fair building

    Festhalle Frankfurt

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Frankfurt gained a prestigious exhibition hall. The design by architect Friedrich von Thiersch and Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG was chosen in 1907. The Festhalle was completed in 1909.

  • The MAN year

    The company’s wall calendar

    MAN has been producing wall calendars since the first half of the 20th century. The picture shows the 1965 calendar’s cover page.

  • The home of the diesel engine

    Thermal engine based on the diesel patent

    In 1893/95, Rudolf Diesel was able to ‘ignite’ his idea of the diesel engine with the support of Heinrich von Buz. MAN has been manufacturing diesel engines ever since. Here you can see the machine label for the second diesel engine ever sold, dating from 1895.

Foundation of the Augsburg Historical Archive
Documents in the archive

Our MAN Museum in Augsburg

The MAN Museum in Augsburg opened in April 1953. The permanent exhibition gives you an insight into MAN’s entire history, from the beginnings of Sander’s machine factory to MAN Energy Solutions today.

Find out more about our MAN Museum


The history of MAN Energy Solutions

MAN Energy Solutions and the former MAN Group as a whole can be traced back to two business start-ups.

Learn more about our history

Our strategy

MAN Energy Solutions develops systems for profound decarbonisation in the most important sectors. For more than 250 years, we have been developing impactful innovations in the fields of high technology and complex systems. We have always looked at challenges in a broader context and sought solutions that enable sustainable progress for all.


MAN Energy Solutions SE

Heinrich-von-Buz-Str. 28
86153 Augsburg

t +49 821 322-4029
t +49 821 322-3366



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