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Propeller and propulsion optimization – Integrating virtual and physical testing

(W. Europe Standard Time)
MAN ExpertTalk

The ExpertTalks present the latest advancements in high-efficient and cost-effective propeller, aft ship and propulsion solutions.

Gain valuable insights and benefits for cargo, passenger, and naval vessel designs – via the following expert topics: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and virtual towing tank, Hydrodynamic optimization, Cavitation inception speed (CIS), Underwater radiated noise (URN), Strut integration and propeller shafting systems, Optimized propulsive performance and more.

Our presenters are Karsten Borneman, Head of Sales, Jens Ring Nielsen, Head of Hydrodynamics, and Rasmus Møller Bering, Senior Engineer, Hydrodynamics.

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