MAN Global Sulphur Cap 2020 Industry survey report

MAN PrimeServ 10 The challenges behind the drivers DRIVERS AND CHALLENGES While the 2020 Global Sulphur Cap regulations are mandatory for any size, type and age of every ocean- going vessel, different departments within shipping organizations have different drivers for compliance. For commercial decision-makers, the principal factors focus on the strategic impact 2020 will have on the future of their business. While there will be a significant initial investment to ready their fleet for the new emissions standards, they must also take into account the multitude of additional costs associated with whichever solution they choose (for example cleaning scrubbers, fuel bunkering, rising fuel prices, etc.). Not least, if a business fails to comply in time, it will face severe financial repercussions through port fines for any grounded vessels and from delays to their shipping schedule. Over half report both commercial and technical aspects as drivers for complying with the regulations What is the main driver for choosing a method for complying with the regulations? 51% Both 30% Commercial aspects 15% Technical aspects 3% Don’t know 1% Won’t answer 60 40 20 0